An independent alliance of alumni, faculty, students, & staff advocating for
free expression, viewpoint diversity, and academic freedom at Cornell University
“Cornell is working to ensure that its students won’t hear a variety of viewpoints by mandating that faculty applicants pass an ideologicallitmus test to get a job …(Cornell) is becoming a place where everyone is pressured to subscribe to the same ideas.”
American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA)
"Cornell's monoculture distorts research.
The study of American poverty is directly impeded.
Only certain causes & solutions are 'acceptable' avenues of study -- others are not. Free academic inquiry is shut down."
Anonymous Professor, Cornell University
October 2021

Many faculty and students feel pressured to self-censor their views on controversial topics, fearing professional or social backlash. Without free speech, there are no free people.
“Under strong pressure to conform to ideological norms, 88% of Cornell students report self-censorship in class and on campus.”
Connor Murnane
Foundation For Individual Rights In Education (FIRE)
Cornell Student Survey / 2021 College Free Speech Rankings

Cornell's intellectual environment reflects a singular ideological perspective, limiting open debate. This "groupthink" stifles a healthy exchange of ideas, which is essential to academic freedom.
“Today, many Cornell faculty and students live in fear.
If they hold the wrong view, university leadership gives no support
and mob justice may be unleashed against them.”
Professor Richard A. Baer, Cornell University
October 2021
Academic Freedom is the cornerstone of higher education, allowing scholars to explore, debate, and challenge ideas without fear of retaliation. At Cornell, faculty and students report increasing restrictions on this freedom, with certain topics deemed off-limits, leading to a culture that discourages dissent and critical inquiry.