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Political Center Awakens to the Radicalism of Cornell & Other Ivy Universities

Writer's picture: Cornell Free Speech AllianceCornell Free Speech Alliance

Ivy Presidents Forced to Resign. US Congress Initiates Bipartisan Investigation of "Moral Rot" at Cornell.

Leaders Identify DEI as Cause of Campus Malaise:

"America’s universities are no longer seen as bastions of excellence but as partisan outposts. American universities have been neglecting a core focus on excellence in order to pursue agendas clustered around Diversity and Inclusion…. They should abandon their long misadventure into politics...and rebuild their reputations as centers of research and learning."

Fareed Zakaria / Global News & Policy Analyst, CNN Commentator, Author (Dec 2023)

"Something has gone very wrong at Cornell…Everything is viewed through race. We have a toxic atmosphere. The whole racialist DEI structure is causing great dysfunction at Cornell. The Administration and Board of Trustees don’t seem to understand what they have created."

Prof. William A. Jacobson / Cornell University School of Law

(Dec 2023)

"American universities lost their collective minds (by responding to) student calls for trigger warnings, safe spaces, bias response teams, and mandatory trainings around language use. The students were supported by…administrators."

Prof. Jonathan Haidt / NY University, Author "The Coddling of the American Mind" (Dec 2023)

"For universities to have a leg to stand on when they try to stand on principle, they must embark on a long-term plan to undo the damage they have inflicted on themselves."

Prof. Steven Pinker / Harvard University, Author (Dec 2023)

“We are shortly going to realize that the DEI era is the McCarthy era Part II.”

Bill Ackman / Harvard Alumnus, Billionaire Donor (Dec 2023)

However, Cornell President Pollack Has Different View:

Cornell is "all-in" on DEI ...(I) will defend DEI as strongly as (I) defend Free Speech.

Pres. Martha Pollack / Cornell University (May 2023)

Driven by the explosion of antisemitic sentiment on Ivy League campuses, the recent Congressional testimonies given by Ivy Presidents have finally made painfully clear to all of America that “political activism” has fully displaced “truth and knowledge” as the primary mission of our nation’s leading universities. The statement made by Cornell Pres. Martha Pollack in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel is among the most embarrassing and disappointing of all US universities – being crafted to conform to Pollack’s preferred “DEI political narrative” rather than to plain reality and the founding principles of Cornell University. This narrative has helped create today’s outburst of antisemitism at Cornell – and led America’s leaders to declare that “moral rot” now dominates Cornell and other Ivy Universities. As a result, with responses to Oct 7 which are very similar to that of Cornell’s Pollack, the Presidents of both Harvard and UPenn have now been forced to resign.

Mainstream America is now in the midst of a rude awakening regarding just how degraded the Cornell and Ivy League educational experience has become. Leading American academics and respected thinkers of the “political center” are speaking out more forcefully in opposition to the current political radicalization and abandonment of merit by Ivy university leadership and their policies. The US House of Representatives has launched an investigation of the leadership, culture, and curriculum at Cornell, Columbia, Harvard, Penn, and MIT. The “moral corruption” of these universities is also now being investigated by the US Department of Education. With all this, the reputation of the Ivy League is now in “free fall” among Americans across the political spectrum. Please review the below five (5) brief commentaries from highly respected centrist thinkers and leaders assessing the DEI dysfunction which now grips Cornell and other elite US universities (note that Fareed Zakaria’s assessment describes the situation at Cornell to a "T") :

As all the world now sees, the multi-year march promoting the DEI (i.e. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) juggernaut has led to the politically extreme “woke monoculture” now dominating Cornell. More than just poor judgement, the resulting debacle amounts to nothing less than serious malpractice by the administration at Cornell and other Ivy schools.

Cornell Free Speech Alliance (CFSA) is the recipient of various “whistleblower reports” from Cornell faculty and staff who are witnessing first-hand the abuses of the current DEI regime on campus. Controlled by this repressive monoculture, Cornell currently is practicing blatant (and illegal) racial discrimination in faculty and staff hiring, is casting aside student and faculty academic merit to pursue misguided political preferences, is screening out faculty candidates based solely upon their personal political, religious, and social beliefs – all while amplifying inter-identity group grievance, suspicion and animosity, as most recently evidenced by rampant campus antisemitism. Despite the continuing avalanche of evidence showing the damage and destruction of this policy path, the current Cornell President continues to pledge allegiance to the DEI regime at Cornell. If Cornell is to recover, this must change.

The Congressional testimony of the Ivy Presidents shows just how “out of touch” the Admins of Cornell and other Ivy schools have become -- and how sorely America’s universities are in need of new leadership and fundamental reform. Revitalization of our universities will require profound changes in both senior personnel and policies. Implementing this change will be a long-term endeavor, but the good news is that America now recognizes the severity of the problem and the critical need for major reform.

Alumni and donors must work together to move the Board of Trustees to make the personnel and policy changes needed to return Cornell to a sound path. The problems at Cornell are the same as those at Harvard -- which Prof. Steven Pinker describes as follows:

“The (Board) helped create the problems it is now facing….There are deep problems, and they are the (Board’s) problems."

You can help CFSA counter the radical political agenda that has taken hold at Cornell University. Support the CFSA Policy Reform Recommendations submitted to Cornell Leadership.

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