Jon A. Lindseth at Cornell's Lindseth Cllimbing Wall
Trustee Emeritus, Major Donor, Counselor to the Cornell President
See below how to email "Thanks & Encouragement" to Jon Lindseth!
On Tuesday, January 23, 2024, Cornell alumnus Jon A. Lindseth wrote an “Open Letter” to Cornell Chairman Kraig Kayser and the Board of Trustees imploring Cornell leadership to reform harmful DEI policies on campus and to commence a process to bring new top leadership to Cornell University. Mr. Lindseth is a Cornell Trustee (Emeritus), Counselor to the President, and Major Donor. As reported by Cornell, among other gifts to Cornell, the Lindseth family has endowed the chair for the “Lindseth Dean” of Cornell’s Johnson Business School, built the Cornell Climbing Wall, and is the largest donor to the Cornell Library System since Cornell Founder Andrew Dickson White’s original bequeath. Because of the great generosity of the Lindseth Family to Cornell, many US media outlets covered the news of the Lindseth “Open Letter” with great interest : the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Cornell Daily Sun, Bloomberg, NY Post, Washington Examiner, and scores of other national news outlets. This Open Letter has been posted on the web by the new “Ivy Excellence Initiative” (IEI) founded by the Common Sense Society (CSS). The Lindseth Letter can be read here:
Most encouraging to CFSA is that, in the text of the Lindseth Letter, Jon Lindseth fully endorses the “CFSA Open Inquiry Policy Recommendations” and adds his voice in support of these urgently needed DEI and Open Inquiry policy reforms at Cornell University - which CFSA submitted to Cornell Leadership on August 14, 2023. These CFSA Policy Recommendations can be reviewed here:
Many Cornellians have contacted CFSA expressing gratitude for Jon Lindseth and the Lindseth Letter. To send a personal message of encouragement and thanks to Jon Lindseth for his courage and clarity in confronting the DEI-driven GroupThink now dominating Cornell campus life and study, please go to the following web-link:

Nadine Strossen Addresses the Cornell Board of Trustees
The Lindseth Open Letter was presented to Cornell Leadership just prior to the Jan 26-27, 2024 (last Friday & Saturday) Board of Trustees meeting in NYC. CFSA is very pleased to report that two of the major policy recommendations made by CFSA to Cornell were taken up at the meeting: 1) the Chicago Principles (created at UChicago which are aimed at returning Free Expression to the Cornell campus); and 2) the Kalven Report (also from UChicago, focused on the importance of Political Neutrality on the part of the Cornell Admin). Nadine Strossen, former 16-year National President of the ACLU, made a presentation encouraging Open Inquiry, Free Expression, and Political Neutrality at Cornell. If Cornell adopts and diligently implements these CFSA policy reforms, the university can begin to move away from the oppressive GroupThink conditions and one-sided politicization of curricula now plaguing campus life. Along with various Cornell alumni, Ms. Strossen sits on the Advisory Board of the Harvard Alumni For Free Speech (HAFFS) which is a Harvard alumni organization closely aligned to CFSA and the CFSA Mission.
Jan 27, 2024 Presentation To Cornell Trustees
Nadine Strossen Addresses Cornell Trustees on Key
Policy Reforms: Chicago Principles & Kalven Report

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