DEAR READER: As you will see from the below “Cornell Latest News Update”, the quality of instructor and instruction now being delivered on campus is becoming a major embarrassment for Cornell University (see links under REPORT 1 and REPORT 2 below). In order to hide the shame (and the accompanying evidence) regarding what and who is educating Cornell undergrads today, shortly after yesterday’s transmittal of the below CFSA News Update, Cornell scrubbed its website to remove the information provided in the weblink under the below REPORT 2. However, news media secured a screenshot of this information before the Cornell Administration was able to hastily scrub it off the Cornell website. Therefore, see the link below to review the relevant information:
Here is a related news article:
The below report will provide you a clear picture of the instructors and instruction now educating young Cornellians. It should be no surprise that major employers are backing away from hiring Cornell grads and that parents are steering the brightest young minds in our country away from Cornell. Every Cornellian should
be ashamed of what has happened to Cornell. The Cornell cover-up will continue – but CFSA will remain vigilant in illuminating the rot. To express your views, please write to

Cornell Major Donor & Trustee Requests Removal of Cornell President
CFSA Cornell Campus Hotline: Current Reports
January 23, 2024
Dear Friend of Cornell:
CFSA has learned that the Common Sense Society (CSS) has founded a new Ivy Excellence Initiative (IEI) in an effort to save America’s Ivy League universities. Today, Cornell Trustee, Counselor to the President, and Major Donor Jon A. Lindseth posted an “Open Letter” to the Cornell Board of Trustees urging the Board to take immediate action to correct the disastrous course which the current Cornell Administration is now pursuing -- which supplants “educational excellence” with “political activism & DEI dogma” at the University. The Lindseth letter calls for the removal of the current Cornell President and Provost. Please carefully read the following Open Letter from this leading Cornell Trustee and Donor:
With the Cornell Board of Trustees convening an emergency meeting in NYC on Jan 25-27 (later this week) to address the current “Cornell in Chaos” situation, the Lindseth Letter is expected to be a key topic of discussion in these Trustee deliberations. One must only look at this week’s events to see that the campus culture, environment, and quality of education at Cornell have been badly degraded under the current Administration. To get a clear picture of conditions at Cornell University please see below….
The Lindseth Letter says:
“(Cornell must) reinstate Open Inquiry, Academic Freedom, Free Expression, and Viewpoint Diversity …
while turning away from the current 'political activism' priority that now dominates the University."
And this is a course cancellation ordered by Cornell faculty just yesterday:
ALSO, the Lindseth Letter says this:
"Cornell is no longer concerned with discovering and disseminating knowledge, but rather with adhering to
DEI groupthink policies and racialization… Under President Pollack's leadership the university continues
to put more value on DEI’s broad application rather than merit."
And here is a profile of current Cornell faculty sent by a dismayed Cornell parent:
(Does this faculty background indicate that “academic merit” is the current criteria for hiring Cornell instructors?)
(DEAR READER: The above webpage was scrubbed soon after this News Update was published.)
The above are just two illustrations of current conditions at Cornell which have been reported to the CFSA Cornell Campus Hotline ( in the past 12 hours. CFSA cannot keep up with all the reports now coming in from the Cornell Community – but will do its best. The bottom line is that, under the current Administration, Cornell University has become a place that is unrecognizable to alumni and faculty who remember the past excellence of our Alma Mater. Who would wish to send America’s youth to an $80,000+ per year university to be part of an institution characterized by the above conditions? Once America realizes what has happened to Cornell, the answer is likely to be “very few”.

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