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Writer's picture: Cornell Free Speech AllianceCornell Free Speech Alliance

With the Recent "Lindseth Letter", a Large "Window of Opportunity" Has Now Opened to Bring Sorely Needed DEI Policy Reforms to Cornell.



Lindseth Letter Has Major Impact

On Jan 23, 2024, Major Cornell Donor, Cornell Trustee (Emeritus), and prominent Alumnus Jon A. Lindseth wrote an Open Letter to Cornell Leadership recommending an overhaul of Cornell’s current DEI policies and the replacement of Cornell President Martha Pollack and Provost Michael Kotlikoff in order to bring desperately needed policy reforms to campus. The Lindseth Letter has brought magnified focus on the “CFSA Open Inquiry Policy Recommendations to Cornell University” – the key components of which were examined at the Jan 26, 2024 Cornell Board of Trustees Meeting in NYC. The “Lindseth Letter” was posted on-line by the newly announced “Ivy Excellence Initiative” (IEI) founded by the “Common Sense Society (CSS), a leading US educational non-profit organization. According to its website, IEI’s objective is to help bring educational and DEI policy reform to “10 Ivy+ Universities” (Cornell, Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Penn, Brown, Princeton, Dartmouth, MIT and Stanford) – all of which have supplanted their traditional objective of “academic excellence” with new “political activism goals” whose aims are to reshape American culture and society rather than to prioritize delivery of superior educational value to students. IEI is a non-partisan effort aimed at correcting the course of US higher education – which has drifted far from its proper and essential mission. Further worsening conditions on campus, it has become clear that the badly misdirected hate and resentment against the “White Privilege” of Jewish Americans is the result of Cornell DEI policies. At Cornell, 18- to 21-year-old students have the following “5-Step DEI Logic of Antisemitism” intensively drilled into them in coursework and campus life:

The "5-Step" DEI Logic of Antisemitism

1. Per the DEI handbook, White Europeans are evil Oppressors and Colonizers.

  1. These Oppressors must be fought and punished.

  2. Jews are White Europeans…Therefore, Jews are Oppressors and Colonizers.

  3. Thus, Jews must be fought and punished.

RESULT: Today’s Antisemitism represents the fight and punishment (including the Oct 7 horrors) against White European Oppressors who happen to be Jewish.

Cornell and Ivy League antisemitism has been driven by comprehensive university DEI programming and indoctrination – plain and simple. The most “progressive” schools in the US (the Ivies), which are located in the most “progressive” states in the Union (the Northeast), are where the most virulent hate and antisemitism has erupted. Does that not seem strange? Again, the most progressive places in the US are where the most hate-filled inter-identity group conflicts, resentment, and animosity have emerged.

QUESTION: So, why is this?

ANSWER: This is where “DEI Training & Culture” have been most advanced within our nation – i.e. in our Ivy League Universities.

Today, “DEI Culture” dominates all the Ivy Campus Communities – and DEI teachings are now producing more hate and conflict among different identity-groups at Ivy schools than in any other place or community in America. This is why Cornell is the target of three US Federal investigations into the acute antisemitism that has put down deep roots on campus. Thus, DEI has produced the EXACT OPPOSITE of what its purported aims were. It produces ever increasing strife, conflict, fear, suspicion, and hate among different ethnic, racial, and religious groups. DEI programming institutes a cycle of ever escalating “blame gaming” among identity groups (i.e. via relentless Oppressor vs Oppressed narratives) – because such “blaming others” is a very powerful tool in the Cornell Admin’s mission to incite political passions, activism, and agitation among students and faculty alike.

QUESTON: Given the above, why in the world would the Ivies continue with such horribly destructive DEI programming?

ANSWER: DEI training (not truth, knowledge, learning, and education) has become the primary mission of Cornell.

To remake American values and institutions, destruction of the status quo is required…and “political action” is the means. To the amazement of Cornell alumni, Pres. Martha Pollack has publicly stated this new mission to the press because her Administration has determined that the United States is very “badly broken” and, therefore, the Cornell President has decided to redirect the primary purpose of our venerable 160-year old institution (in which she has only a few years experience) to the service of “political actions” stipulated by the current Cornell Administration which have become the University’s “first priority” in order that President Pollack can help “fix America”.

To Change the Direction of Cornell,

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Global affairs commentator and political centrist, Fareed Zakaria of CNN, has clearly and compellingly made the case for major policy reform at Cornell (see short video: Fareed Zakaria: “Universities Pushing Political Agendas”) - which is desperately needed today. UNFORTUNATELY, with 99.5% political purity in its faculty/staff composition and newfound mission and mantras, Cornell is now too far gone to reform itself. Therefore, it will take “external forces” to help build the strength, independence, and force-of-will within the Cornell Board of Trustees needed to change the direction of Cornell’s leadership and to implement the required policy reforms that must be made if Cornell University is to be saved.

Together, the rise of antisemitism on campus, the associated recent Congressional hearings, and the Lindseth Letter to Cornell leadership have spurred extensive national attention as the American public begins to understand how far Cornell and the other Ivies have drifted from their proper educational mission (see Wall Street Journal, CNN, Cornell Daily Sun, Bloomberg, NY Post, Washington Examiner, College Fix, many others). The building pressure on Cornell has brought emergency defensive actions from both the Cornell Board of Trustees and Student Assembly. This growing pressure on Cornell will be further intensified under the three (3) US Federal Investigations which have now been launched to examine campus culture and policies at the four (4) “IEI Ivy+ Universities” where "campus cultural malaise" is now most prevalent - i.e at Cornell, Harvard, Penn, and MIT. These three federal investigations are being conducted by the US House Committee On Education & Workforce, the US House Ways & Means Committee, and the US Dept of Education. The investigation teams for these US Federal probes are in contact with CFSA – who will help these investigations of Cornell advance in an effective manner.

THE RESULT: Intense “external and internal” pressure is growing on the Cornell Admin and Board of Trustees to make major DEI reforms at Cornell. Employers, students, and alumni are now turning away from Cornell and other Ivy universities as result of their collective shift away from academic excellence and educational focus – and toward “political activism”. Companies are publicly stating that they are avoiding hiring grads from Cornell and the other Ivies (see new “Poison Ivy” documentary). The value of a Cornell degree is now being badly tarnished in the name of Pres. Pollack’s newfound personal mission to “fix America”. Personal politics should not determine Cornell’s future. CFSA needs your financial support to change this current reality.

There Is Much CFSA Can Do To Assist

These Federal Investigations and to

Bring Needed Policy Reform to Cornell.

But, to Do This, CFSA Needs Your

Financial Support!

Thank You!

CFSA needs your support. to contribute to the CFSA effort, please


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