Last week CFSA sent an email regarding the 2024 Alumni Trustee Election. We stated that we agreed with candidate Paul M. Cashman's response to the question posed by The Cornell Division of Alumni Affairs: "What is the single most important issue the Board of Trustees can address?"
Mr. Cashman, upon hearing about our email from a fellow alumnus, contacted us to advise that Cornell has a strict “no campaigning” policy for alumni Board of Trustee candidates. Candidates are not permitted to campaign for themselves, nor can they countenance others campaigning on their behalf.
Since CFSA is an independent organization, we are not subject to this policy. We understand, however, that our endorsement of Mr. Cashman's position might be seen by some as "campaigning" by Mr. Cashman, in subversion of the no-campaigning policy. CFSA therefore wishes to clarify:
It was not CFSA's intention to violate the policy by naming Mr. Cashman without including the other candidates,
CFSA issuing this email at Mr. Cashman's request,
Mr. Cashman did not contact CFSA before we issued the original email
CFSA strongly encourages our members to read the profiles and statements of all four candidates -- David H. Steward, Ginger K. So, Erica T. Healey-Kagan, and Paul M. Cashman -- and then cast your vote.

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